It seems that humans feel a natural urge to hide feelings of Depression from others. But WHY? The answer reaffirms how Intellectual endowment renders humans so different from animals. Although we don’t really know how animals feel, it seems that the human need to…
The Causes of Mental Illness, Criminal and Child Behavior
THE “WHY” BEHIND ABERRANT BEHAVIOR In DOLIF psychology there are two types of cognition. We are born with the Mind Of A Child where thoughts, decisions and behavior come from the Emotions or our “gut feelings”. At the beginning of…
The Key to Motivation
Our lives are riddled with Competition, Rivalry and outright Jealousy! DOLIF alerts us that the urge to compete is is embedded at the primal level of the human psyche. It is a drive that is as archaic as our DNA and…
Pursuit of Parental LOVE – Part 1 and Part 2
DOLIF, the Distribution Of Love In Families, represents almost half a century of this author’s research in child development. The theory was a product of Dr. Vera Rabie’s education, professional psychology practice, hands-on experience raising children, and intimate observation and knowledge of four generations of families. Given the…
A Case of Phobia – The Mice Lady
This is the case of a 22-year-old woman with a serious phobia of mice. She was referred by her boyfriend who was worried that her mental problems were becoming so disruptive that they were leading to physical injuries. She was…
WHY on Earth Did You Do It? – Part 2
To recap from Part 1, the Disfavored personality shows behavior that is under Emotional dominance and lacks policing by the Intellectual faculties. Typical of the Disfavored personality is thinking and behavior that either lacks Social Maturity along the Depression/Anxiety spectrum…
WHY on Earth Did You Do It? – Part 1
In The Mind Of A Child behavior is governed by Emotions and functions very differently from the Adult Mind, which relies on Intellectual logic and reason. Imagine dividing the body at the neck. In the beginning of life when we are babies or little children,…
The Case of Ted Kaczynski – the Unabomber
The first example In the American edition of my book is Ted Kaczynski, a.k.a. The Unabomber. This criminal carried on a seventeen-year killing spree by sending mail bombs to prominent, highly educated individuals, killing three and injuring twenty-three. As the reason for his…
Reuniting with the Prime Parent
A young man of 19 years came to see me because he was drinking too much and hanging out with friends who were a bad influence. He was tall, thin and pale and he mainly gazed downward. His parents had…
Parental Anger and CBT – Part 1
When a child misbehaves, such as by hitting others, stealing or smoking cigarettes, current psychology directs parents to use Cognitive Behavioral methods, or CBT. It makes logical sense to parents when CBT advises them to act as a team, decide on consequences or punishment, and follow through with…
When Siblings Gang Up
A grandmother came in asking for help with handling her 7-year-old grandson. She said he was about to be expelled from school because the teachers found him impossible to control. She told me several stories about his aggressive behavior, beating…
The (Thorny) Question of Research
The question of why DOLIF theory grew out of experience and empirical observation rather than conventional laboratory research is one I am continually asked. First, I am filled with gratitude for the years of academic training that gave the groundwork for my interminable curiosity about…