The study of psychology and the development of DOLIF Theory represents my life work. On graduating from university with a doctorate degree in clinical psychology and after having my first child, I could tell there was something seriously wrong with…
Parental Anger and CBT – Part 1
When a child misbehaves, such as by hitting others, stealing or smoking cigarettes, current psychology directs parents to use Cognitive Behavioral methods, or CBT. It makes logical sense to parents when CBT advises them to act as a team, decide on consequences or punishment, and follow through with…
The (Thorny) Question of Research
The question of why DOLIF theory grew out of experience and empirical observation rather than conventional laboratory research is one I am continually asked. First, I am filled with gratitude for the years of academic training that gave the groundwork for my interminable curiosity about…
Myth Busting in Child Psychology
Following are six popular myths in psychology that pertain to the way we view our children, how we treat them and how we raise them. MYTH #1 THAT CHILDREN WANT OR NEED QUALITY TIME WITH THEIR PARENTS (This myth has largely…