Why does DOLIF psychology call Anger “the forgotten Emotion“? If we look at animal behavior, we see that Anger is an important driving force behind behavior. We find unbridled snarling, teeth-gnashing, snorting and fighting in the animal world. Yet even though it is certain…
Negative Emotions
Anorexia & Eating Disorders – Part 1
Anorexia is the most serious of the eating disorders because it deprives the body of essential nourishment, which can bring its owner close to death. When the brain has limited nutrients, thinking and judgement become impaired. Similar behaviors such as…
WHY on Earth Did You Do It? – Part 1
DOLF introduces a new domain in psychology called The Mind Of A Child, where behavior is governed by Emotions. This domain functions very differently from the Adult Mind, which relies on Intellectual logic and reason. Imagine dividing the body at the neck. At…
The Artists Have It Right
They say that art mimics life, and artists themselves are an intuitive and Emotional group. In movies, books and fairy tales we find recurring themes of competition, Sibling Rivalry, Favoritism and jealousy among family members. For example, East of Eden is a movie based on John…