The story of Cain and Abel is a perfect example of what parents face every day. It begs the question that if Cain felt his Lord’s action was not fair, WHY did he feel that way? WHY was it fair from…
Christianity and Therapy
Creation Part 4 – Developing Opposite and Opposing Personalities
DOLIF provides a brand new basis for understanding the development of personality and behavior in human psychology. In essence, it informs us that beginning from early family life, and through instinctive SIBLING RIVALRY, people divide into only two personality types:…
Creation Part 3 – Bragging, Teasing and Humiliation
The story of Cain and Abel is a classic example of SIBLING RIVALRY brought on by a subtle, but very real, variance in parental LOVE. In this biblical tale of Creation about two brothers, their Maker acted as their Prime Love Giving parent or PLG. The offering made by…
Creation Part 2 – A Lesson In Favoritism
DOLIF Theory warns us that the Mind of a Child functions by pure Emotion and Instinct. This is contrary to the Adult Mind that is governed by Intelligence, reason and logic. DOLIF alerts us that the first two children in any family are perpetually wrapped up…
Creation Part 1 – The Power Of Parental Love
The story of Creation in the Judeo-Christian bible is reviewed here not because of its religious significance, but merely because it is a familiar example of a 4-person family in which serious Emotional problems developed. According to the first book of the bible, Genesis,…