In addition to the factors mentioned in Part 1, support for DOLIF theory comes from its nearly 50-year history and longitudinal design. It is a lifelong project that occupied the author’s personal time, effort and resources for almost half a century. Its…
Child Behavior
Parental Anger and CBT – Part 3
If we decide to punish a child using CBT instructions based on animal training, we soon find that the road ahead is a bumpy one, since the leap from animals to humans is massive. For animals, once domesticated, are inclined…
How Parents and Siblings Really Feel
DOLIF takes account of the childish thinking in the Mind of a Child that is hard for adults to fathom. An aspect of the Mind of a Child that is unknown and unsuspected deals with the way that parents, siblings and in particular, Disfavored people really…
Pursuit of Parental LOVE – Part 1 and Part 2
DOLIF, the Distribution Of Love In Families, represents almost half a century of this author’s research in child development. The theory was a product of Dr. Vera Rabie’s education, professional psychology practice, hands-on experience raising children, and intimate observation and knowledge of four generations of families. Given the…
The Role of Emotions and Intelligence in Behavior and Personality
DOLIF Theory is built around a new base of knowledge that uncovers the way the Mind of a Child works. A basic tenet of DOLIF is that there is an enormous difference between the Mind of a Child and the Adult…
Myth Busting in Child Psychology
Following are six popular myths in psychology that pertain to the way we view our children, how we treat them and how we raise them. MYTH #1 THAT CHILDREN WANT OR NEED QUALITY TIME WITH THEIR PARENTS (This myth has largely…