Why does DOLIF psychology call Anger “the forgotten Emotion“? If we look at animal behavior, we see that Anger is an important driving force behind behavior. We find unbridled snarling, teeth-gnashing, snorting and fighting in the animal world. Yet even though it is certain…
A Clumsy Boy
A large and clumsy-looking 15-year-old boy came in with his mother. He had learning disabilities that had been accurately diagnosed through his school. Testing showed he had poor fine motor skills, which affected his ability to read, write and communicate…
A Suicidal Son
Identifying the Prime Love Giver can often be the key to diagnosing and resolving a family problem. In this example it not only resolved a very serious mental health problem for a child, but was at the same time highly…
WHY on Earth Did You Do It? – Part 2
To recap from Part 1, the Disfavored personality shows behavior that is under Emotional dominance and lacks policing by the Intellectual faculties. Typical of the Disfavored personality is thinking and behavior that either lacks Social Maturity along the Depression/Anxiety spectrum…