When a child misbehaves, such as by hitting others, stealing or smoking cigarettes, current psychology directs parents to use Cognitive Behavioral methods, or CBT. It makes logical sense to parents when CBT advises them to act as a team, decide on consequences or punishment, and follow through with…
Creation Part 1 – The Power Of Parental Love
The story of Creation in the Judeo-Christian bible is reviewed here not because of its religious significance, but because it is a familiar example of a four-person family in which serious interpersonal problems developed. According to the first book of the bible, Genesis, the Lord…
When Siblings Gang Up
A grandmother came in asking for help with handling her 7-year-old grandson. She said he was about to be expelled from school because the teachers found him impossible to control. She told me several stories about his aggressive behavior, beating…
The (Thorny) Question of Research
The question of why DOLIF theory grew out of experience and empirical observation rather than conventional laboratory research is one I am continually asked. First, I am filled with gratitude for the years of academic training that gave the groundwork for my interminable curiosity about…
A Normal Family
Today I went to see a good friend who is a professional, and we chatted casually while she practiced her trade on me. Because we know each other well, I asked about her family, her husband, son of 15 and…
Cases of Identical Twins
A mystery that has long baffled scientists is: How is it that identical or monozygotic twins look exactly alike from the outside and have the same DNA, but are so different on the inside in personality and behavior? Recent studies have searched for slight alterations in their…
The Artists Have It Right
They say that art mimics life, and artists themselves are an intuitive and Emotional group. In movies, books and fairy tales we find recurring themes of competition, Sibling Rivalry, Favoritism and jealousy. For example, East of Eden is a movie based on John Steinbeck’s novel about…