1. Amato, Grant
2. Asvenew, Peter
3. Bishop, Amy
4. Brown, Alvin Bud
5. Caylor, Yvonne
6. Chen, Edward
7. Duck, Kevin
8. Duke, Mark
9. Edwards, Kim (UK)
10. Ellerbee, Richard
11. Ewell, Dana
12. Fry-Pitzen, Amy
13. Hadley, Tyler
14. Hatcher, Collin
15. Heidt, Craig
16. Hruby, Alan – See the DOLIF analysis of this case on the website.
17. Jenkins, Joshua
18. Kaczynski, Theodore (Ted) – See the DOLIF analysis of this case Parts 1 and 2 in blogs.
19. Keim, Hannah
20. Matthews, Nathan
21. McCluskie, Tony
22. Miller, Steven
23. Pan, Jennifer
24. Petric, Daniel
25. Rose, John Hardy
26. Shamji, Mohammed (Canada)
27. Spillman, Ray Jack
28. Von Stein, Chris
29. Wamsley, Andrew
30. Weaver, Georgia
31. Webb, Bass
32. West, Brookey Ley
33. White, Richard Paul
34. Whitaker, Bart – See the DOLIF analysis of this case Parts 1 and 2 in blogs.
In DOLIF psychology we look for early signs of mental disturbance, most of which are believed to result from the quest for the exclusive LOVE of one prime parent that was missed during childhood. The most likely reason for this deprivation or LOSS of LOVE is the presence of a sibling and the jealousy and Anger that are an outcome of the rivalry with that sibling over the LOVE of their Prime Love Giving (PLG) parent.